Well this is what we look like lately since the President of the Temple said we need to use are mask and not to shop if we can help it. Also we need to wash our hands before and after using the "bano" The Temple is closed but we are still receiving instruction..... that is us Missionaries only. Well at least were doing something rather than just sitting around in our apartment. I hope they contain it soon since I hear it is showing up in different parts of the world. We feel good but it is very hot outside, so thank goodness we are inside an air conditioned Temple. We love our mission and pray we can get back to work and serve the people of Mexico.
Oh by the way the other masked Mexican were holding is "Flat Stanley" from our dear little Kennedy Magalhaes.
My sister sent me this message today May 20, 2009 about flat Stanly below:
"Donny and the kids were here and they were very excited Flat Stanley made it back yesterday the 19th, and the teacher as well as the kids were hysterical to see Flat Stanley with the mask, that was just a hit!!!! that is all they talked about."
You guys look great! Miss you two!
Hi this is Aubree you look cool in those mask Ha,ha,ha by the way we need to get on skyp togather
have fun!!!
I love that paper thing with his mask too! That is awesome
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