Sunday, May 17, 2009
People of Mexico in the streets celebrating maybe a little too much..
This video does not do Justus of the noise those riffles or muskets make. They scared me almost every time they went off. They asked me if John would like to shoot one, but I told them "no gracias"
In the streets of Mexico

Those muskets look harmless but you better cover your ears because the noise sounds like a cannon. They were celebrating the "cinco de mayo" all week long since Mother Day until 11:30 p.m. Apparently they could not celebrate on the 5th because the government closed all large gatherings due to the "Swine Flue."
Lovely time at church after not having it for two weeks!!

OK well its hard to keep up with my Blog since time is scarce. But I think this is the last picture we took of how we looked at Church last week. We were met with sanitizer and a mask to put on.
A senior missionary sister that lives in our unit was assigned to speak in Sacrament meeting and had to wear her mask which kept falling off her nose so she kept pulling it back up. She is a very beautiful red head and she did a marvelous job speaking Spanish. Today we only were met with the sanitizer for our hands, and I'm so thankful for that blessing.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Mexico City and "The Mask"

Well this is what we look like lately since the President of the Temple said we need to use are mask and not to shop if we can help it. Also we need to wash our hands before and after using the "bano" The Temple is closed but we are still receiving instruction..... that is us Missionaries only. Well at least were doing something rather than just sitting around in our apartment. I hope they contain it soon since I hear it is showing up in different parts of the world. We feel good but it is very hot outside, so thank goodness we are inside an air conditioned Temple. We love our mission and pray we can get back to work and serve the people of Mexico.
Oh by the way the other masked Mexican were holding is "Flat Stanley" from our dear little Kennedy Magalhaes.
My sister sent me this message today May 20, 2009 about flat Stanly below:
"Donny and the kids were here and they were very excited Flat Stanley made it back yesterday the 19th, and the teacher as well as the kids were hysterical to see Flat Stanley with the mask, that was just a hit!!!! that is all they talked about."
Sister Molett..... May 1, 2009
This sister Molett reminds me of my mother not so much in looks but her grace and mannerism. She is an elegant women and we work together in the Temple. She was over to demonstrate skin products for one of my neighbors that speaks mostly English so we had fun listening to her explain her unbelievable product. We also got a treat as she danced for us. Just like my mom selling herself and making money from her example of beauty. My mom always took great care of herself and I miss her very much. I can't believe it's approaching a year now that she's been gone.
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