As many of you know my dear Mother passed away in the early morning right after "Mother Day" of this year, she was 88 years old. (she was waiting for my brother and sister-in-law to return home from China while she was in Kaiser Hospital when she became suddenly ill). I haven't written anything about her on this Blog but I really miss her. We (her children) knew she loved us very much. She was pretty healthy for the most part and we expected her to live well into her nineties, but we know that our plan is not our Heavenly Fathers plan. We are happy for her that she is with many family members that have passed before her. We have many special memories of Her and our Dad and Cliff (her husband after my dad passed). She was very happy with both and we know she is reunited with them. She was a beautiful lady and very social with everyone. Sometimes she was shy at first in a big group but after she started feeling comfortable she could hold up her end of the conversation.

I miss grandma too Mom! I got to see the picture they put up... I think they need to move it around... it looks funny having a picture of just grandpa in the middle. I miss them both.
I'm glad you went to see the picture of both of them. This was the only place it would fit. They said they would ruin the marker if they tried to take off Grandpa's picture. So this is the best they can do. However that is not what they told us when the marker was bought. But oh well the employees come and go and the ones that told us that after Grandpa died are no longer there.
You made me cry. I try not to think about Abuelita, as horrible as that sounds. I just miss her so much, it hurts to remember her.
Sorry Delna I know you really miss her.
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